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Leave a gift in your Will to JWA and help ensure that women and girls can live free from violence and abuse.

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 If you are considering leaving a legacy and would like more information, please get in touch with Nicola Nathan call 020 8445 8060 or email

Leaving a legacy to Jewish Women's Aid

No matter the size, your legacy can make a lasting impact by enabling Jewish Women’s Aid to deliver professional, culturally sensitive and life-changing practical and emotional support to hundreds of women and girls affected by domestic abuse and violence each year.
Our cross-communal prevention education programmes reach over 5,000 young people, adults, and community leaders annually, raising awareness of abuse, healthy relationships, and consent.
By leaving a legacy to Jewish Women’s Aid, you help create a culture of consent and a community where all Jewish women and girls can feel safe and secure.

Frequently asked questions

Why do I need a Will?

A professionally written, up-to-date Will is the only way you can have peace of mind that the people and causes that you care for are provided for in the way you choose. When the time comes, not having a valid Will can cause stressful and time-consuming complications for those dealing with your estate.

Can I update my current Will?

It is important to check your Will from time to time to make ensure it still reflects your wishes and reflects any changes in personal circumstances. Changes that affect your Will may include the birth of grandchildren, death in your family or marriage, separation or divorce, or even the death of an executor.

What is a Codicil?

 A codicil is a document that amends an existing Will but does not replace it. It allows you to make a small change to your Will without making an entirely new one and must be signed in the exact same way as the will was signed (although the two witnesses do not have to be the same two people that witnessed the original will). Once completed it is then stored with the original Will. Download a template Codicil here.

Do I need to tell you that I’ve left a gift in my Will?

If you choose to tell us that you have left JWA a gift in your Will we (with your permission) can keep you updated, in your lifetime with the vital work we are doing and the difference we are making to the lives of women and girls who turn to us.

Who should write my Will?

We would always recommend consulting solicitors when writing your Will or amending an existing one. They will ensure the Will is legal and valid and that your wishes are clearly expressed using precise language. They may ask you to take essential information with you to your meeting.

Can Jewish Women’s Aid help me to write my Will?

We cannot help you write your Will. We can provide you with a list of solicitors known to, but not connected with, Jewish Women’s Aid.

How do I choose my executors?

It’s a good idea to name at least two people to be your Executors. They will be responsible for handling your estate and ensuring your wishes are carried out. You can choose a solicitor, a family member or trusted friend, if they are over the age of 18. An executor can be a beneficiary of a gift in your Will. Jewish Women’s Aid cannot act as executors in case of conflict of interest.

I would like to leave a legacy but can’t afford to leave a large gift?

A gift of any size, small or large can have a huge impact on the lives of the women we support. It is also possible to bequeath an item of value for a charity to be responsible for selling.

What type of gift can I leave Jewish Women’s Aid?

There are two main types of gift:
“Residuary gift”: A percentage of your estate – After you have provided for loved ones, you can leave a share or all of what remains to charity. This can be the best way to leave a gift as its value is not affected by inflation.

To leave a Residuary gift to Jewish Women’s Aid, the following wording should be provided to your solicitor

“I leave ________ percent of the residue of my real and personal estate to Jewish Women’s Aid, registered charity number 1047045.”

“Pecuniary gift”: A cash gift – This is a fixed sum of money left in your Will. For other types of gifts, please consult your solicitor.
To leave a Pecuniary gift to Jewish Women’s Aid, the following wording should be provided to your solicitor

“I leave the sum of (in words) ________ pounds £________ (in figures) to Jewish Women’s aid, registered charity number 1047045.
“Specific gift”: This can be bequeathing an item of value to the charity, such as for example, property, shares, jewellery or antiques.

“I leave my [Insert item detail – for example, describe the jewellery in detail, or address of property] ________ to Jewish Women’s aid, registered charity number 1047045.

How can I be sure my gift reaches Jewish Women’s Aid?

It’s important that you include our name (Jewish Women’s Aid) and charity registration number (1047045) in your Will, to ensure your gift reaches us.



Are there tax benefits to leaving a legacy to charity?

If your estate is over a certain value your beneficiaries will have to pay Inheritance Tax (IHT). A gift to Jewish Women’s Aid therefore might reduce your estate’s liability for IHT. Under current UK law* if a person leaves 10% or more of their taxable estate to charity, the remainder might qualify for a reduced rate of IHT. Your solicitor can advise further on this.

Where should I store my Will?

It’s a good idea to make sure you also keep a copy in a safe place, together with other information your family and/ or executors will need when the time comes. As part of their service, your solicitor may offer to keep your original Will safe.

Why does Jewish Women’s Aid need legacy income?

Gifts in wills can be transformational for charities. They provide vital additional funds and can also provide a safety net of funding to ensure that, regardless of extraordinary global, community and economic events, we can continue to be there for the Jewish women and girls that need us.

Can my legacy support a specific Jewish Women’s Aid project?

It is simpler for the executors of your estate if your Will does not reference a specific project that may be time sensitive. If you would like your legacy to be directed to a specific area of our work, please be in touch so we can discuss together appropriate lasting themes and wording.

Can I support multiple charities in my Will?

Yes. You can name as many charities in your Will as you choose. You can choose whether you want to leave specific sums of money or percentages of your estate. See earlier question ‘What type of gift can I leave Jewish Women’s Aid?

Donate in Memory

Honour a deceased loved-one and the values and causes they believed in during their lifetime, by donating to JWA in their memory.

The bereavement need not be recent – you can make a donation to commemorate someone who died many years ago, or on the occasion of their yahrzeit.

A gift in memory of a loved one is a powerful tribute. It allows their legacy to live on, while making a lasting impact on the women and girls who turn to us in desperate need.

To discuss making a donation in memory of a loved one to JWA, please contact

You can name them if you wish, when you make the donation, or you can keep it anonymous. Either way, giving a gift to JWA in their memory is a beautiful way of making their memory a blessing.

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