This week, I went down to Parliament to settle in the new PM and her team... and whilst that may have been fun, in real life I was privileged to meet two MPs - Ellie Reeves and Alex Davies Jones along with colleagues from the Jewish Leadership Council. It really is an enormous privilege of my role to be able to tell MPs about the vital and life-saving work we do at Jewish Women's Aid.
The demand for our service has risen and stayed high throughout and since the pandemic and our brilliant team continues to work exceptionally hard to support each woman with exactly what she needs.

I am often asked why we need a women's aid which is specifically Jewish. The soft landing we provide for women who know we have an understanding of Jewish culture, faith, community and custom is what makes the difference. There is so much they don't need to explain to us, we just get it. Our services are designed around the specific needs of the women we're here for and continue to evolve holistically to meet them.

So, I explained to Ellie and Alex how valuable our service is to the women who use it and to the community we serve.

In the words of one woman - 'you don't want to think that there are other Jewish women who are being abused, but there is comfort in knowing you're not alone.'