"I thought your presentation was great and added a huge amount to everyone's conceptualisation of domestic abuse and its varying guises" University Jewish Chaplaincy Chief Operating Officer

"Great session, very interactive, recommend it for more AEPi's and other groups" AEPi

"I find it really great that JWA is doing this" Bristol University Student

"It was exactly what we wanted" LJY (Liberal Jewish Youth)

"I thought the speaker was very good, very engaging and knew exactly what she was talking about. Very admirable, and helped massively with understanding the issues talked about" FZY participant

"I would 100% recommend JWA training" RSY (Reform Synagogue Youth)

"I really liked how the group were encouraged to critically engage with any information presented, which is a really important thing when dealing with such important and complex issues such as domestic abuse and harassment" Cambridge JSoc Participant