We have made some great videos over the years - some for annual campaigns, some for specific projects, all of them to support the work we do.

We hope you enjoy them.

They are also available on our YouTube channel, jwavideochannel

3 women tell their stories

Three former clients of ours share their stories. Names, voices and identifying details have been changed to preserve anonymity. Made in 2015, this video is still tremendously powerful.

Talia's Story

This short and inspiring 1.5 minute film from 2013 tells the surprising and emotional true story of Talia, an 18-year-old Jewish girl who became a victim of domestic abuse, and who found strength and support from our services.

Why would we need JWA?

Beautiful short film shown at our Annual Fundraising Lunch 2015, about the need for our work in the community.


Domestic Abuse: it's closer to home than you think. Made for our 2012 IDEVAW campaign (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women), November 2012