Jewish Women's Aid is delivering information leaflets on domestic abuse to 163 synagogues across the UK, in advance of our upcoming national and cross-communal Shabbat on 2/3rd December. The synagogues receiving the resource are under the auspices of official supporters of the Shabbat, United Synagogue, Reform Judaism, Masorti Judaism, Liberal Judaism and Sephardi & Portuguese Community. It will also be freely available online at

The leaflet has been created to raise awareness and understanding in the Jewish community about domestic abuse and sexual violence, and to encourage discussion, questions and change. Also available is a ready prepared speech or article which can be read out at shul or at home or in social gatherings. These resources are the latest additions to our popular community toolkit, which also includes conversation cards and fact sheets to help generate discussion around abuse and healthy relationships.

CEO Naomi Dickson said: ‘As we approach Jewish Women’s Aid Shabbat on 2/3 December, we aim to highlight the stigma of domestic abuse and sexual violence that still exists in our community. By bringing it into the open, into the heart of our synagogues and communities, we hope to create safe spaces for women and their children facing abuse. By talking about it, we create opportunities to educate others and for women to feel less alone if they are being harmed physically or emotionally. We hope our new information leaflets, combined with our toolkit provide a key framework to encourage more conversations and education around abuse.’

Jewish Women’s Aid Shabbat is officially supported by the Office of the Chief Rabbi, United Synagogue, Reform Judaism, Liberal Judaism, Masorti Judaism, S&P Sephardi Community, Jewish Leadership Council and the Board of Deputies.

Enquiries about the Shabbat are welcome at [email protected]