'JWA School Ambassadors programme has been a supportive, enriching experience that has given me the tools I need to pass the important information of healthy relationships to the younger members of the JCoss community.’ Bali, JWA School Ambassador.

Bali is one of the Year 12 students at JCoSS who have been participating in our first ever School Ambassadors programme, as part of our Whole School Approach to prevention education. The peer leadership programme trains young people in promoting healthy relationships and becoming champions in building a consent culture in their school community.

We are so proud that they have just delivered their first healthy relationships session to Year 7 students, pitching it as ‘What would I like to have known when I was in Year 7.’ They explored issues around the importance of social media for harnessing friendships and how to tackle tricky situations in relationships. This session is being run across Year 7, reaching 240 students!
They have done an absolutely amazing job and continue to make a real difference in their school.
Thank you JCoSS for this partnership!

📧 Contact [email protected] if you’re interested in this programme for your school