JWA offers guidance and support to professionals and volunteers around domestic violence & abuse, and sexual violence.

You can access our Domestic Abuse Service by calling us on 0208 445 8060.

You can also email us on [email protected] (domestic violence and abuse) and [email protected] (sexual violence)

Here are some general good practice guidelines

Domestic violence & abuse

General guidelines for professionals and volunteers DVA good practice guide do's & don'ts

JWA trained Haringey pre-schools in June 2018, after which the pre-schools came up with this list of how to make their kindergartens a safe space to disclose

You may have a gut feeling that someone is in an abusive relationship, but not sure whether to say something. Or HOW to say something. Dr Roxane Agnew-Davies from the AVA project gives practical advice about how to ask and respond to disclosures of domestic abuse.

Sexual violence

General guidelines for professionals and volunteers SV good practice guide do's & don'ts